Keeping up with Climate Targets and Climate Leadership
25 September 2023

We cannot stress the climate urgency enough with recent weather events in different parts of the world. It is critical to bring together all efforts and actors to keep up with targets. The state’s role in ensuring major climate adaptations is critical and should lead the way for systematic public and private sector efforts. These efforts should build on in-depth exploration and targeting of the different public and private actors’ engagements with processes and investments in the built environment and the different sectors, considering internal and external business processes, the life cycle of projects, integration of efforts, systematisation of reporting mechanisms and ensuring critical climate finances. It is also crucial to take communities on board and continue to explore innovative ways for their engagement through formal and informal processes and learning.
Here, you can read my article on the need for more efforts to close the climate gaps. Through focusing on the role of the private sector, it emphasises the importance of clear policies, frameworks and climate leadership:
Sustainability 2020, 12(20), 8431;
Photo: Japanese City Flooded. Licenced Photo Adobe Stock - 25 Sep 2023