Roudaina Al Khani invited to Portugal as an expert in a Port-City EU programme

Roudaina Al Khani was very pleased to be invited to Portugal on 29-30 October as an expert guest of AIVP - The Worldwide Network of Port Cities to contribute ideas in the kick-off workshop of the European Union programme @DocksTheFuture 2030.
Roudaina Al Khani was very happy to be appointed the rapporteur of the Sustainability workshop together with Charles Haine and to communicate the outcomes in a Plenary session held at the beautiful PLeixoes Cruise
Terminal in Portugal. The discussions and input were very interesting and the overall project is aimed to identify guidelines for the European Port of the Future (2030) looking at the capacity of ports, Port - city relationship, smart processes, innovation, adaptability, strategic sustainable development, holistic management of coastal areas and climate change.
Many thanks to AIVP for the invitation.
Thanks to Charles Haine for the upper picture and the two left side ones