Nouha and her team win First Prize at International Fabrication Festival
We congratulate Nouha and her team who won the International Fabrication Festival 2017 DS Smith First Prize for their pavilion for 'best use of material'!
The team was formed by Nouha Hansen, Sneha Genovia Baptista, Amad Hussain and was mentored by Colman Architects.
In response to this year's FAB FEST London theme Pop-up City, the team aimed at bringing attention to the importance of good environment and green spaces in the city! Big cities are attractive as they bring together diverse people, ideas and processes making them exciting places to live and work - London is a wonderful creative city. How can we make sure to maintain a healthy environment in our busy cities while they grow? Their pavilion with its nature inspired geometry and organic form, which was made of card and correx, is aimed to illustrate how small shelters introduced at different locations and associations in the city can be supportive to nature in improving the environment while being in harmony with our minds. The team had in mind that the pavilion could actually be realised with an air-filtering nano material and so emphasising that human activity can innovatively support nature in improving the environment.
FABFEST is an International Fabrication Festival celebrating design and making, and featuring pavilions designed by students from the UK and around the world. The Festival is hosted by the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at University of Westminster and sponsored by the Quintin Hogg Trust, DS Smith and Hawthorn: